Current Events

The current events quiz is probably one of my favorite parts of J1. The fact that I have to keep up with the news to get the grade I want seems like the perfect way to exspose J+C students to real world media. Before I only paid attention to the news when I found something intriguing or had heard about a big story. The current events quiz has coerced me into fully investing myself in learning about the happenings of the world.

I love how Mr. Miller is encouraging us to learn about the world with this weekly quiz, however, I wish that we spent more time discussing the topics in class. If the topics are relevant enough for us to need to know about them , then I believe that they are relevant enough to spend more time discussing.  Because we have so much we need to learn, I understand that we aren’t able to take an entire class period to discuss the ten events on the quiz, but it would be nice to take ten minutes to discuss one of the topics in more depth.

Picking one topic to discuss, and observing it further will help us apply the material we are learning in class to real media. Yesterday in class we did this, and I was in absolute awe with the discussion that ensued.

Everyone knows that the immigration policies in the United States are due for some improvement, the government is currently building more camps to house teenage immigrants. Unfortunately I did not know that was the case and missed the quiz question, however it did spark our class discussion.

I agree that the U.S should be open to immigration, I do not agree that people who choose to do so illegally, should be continually be allowed into our country. There are thousands of people who took the time to become a citizen and are now fully enjoying the benefits of the U.S. I know that the process of immigration to the U.S is strenuous, and most of the people who enter the country illegally are simply trying to survive , wether he or she is fleeing a war zone , poverty, or persecution. But just because a person is facing extreme hardships does not mean that they get a pass when it comes to law. On the other hand as a country it is our responsibility to help these people in their time of need, rather than cold heartedly turning our backs against them.

The discussion on Friday sparked not only new ideas in my mind but it also made me think about my prior thoughts. I believe that the immigration discussion in class is a perfect example as to why we need more in depth current events quiz discussions.


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