One Question Quiz
Mr Miller’s one question quiz is hands down the most stressful yet rewarding part of J1. The past two quizzes have gone beyond explanations of topics discussed during lectures. The questions ask for application. Sure I can tell you all four binary models or the types of communication filters, but unless I can apply these topics and standards to the real world I haven’t actually learned anything. Today in class we took a quiz on the printing press, rather than asking the impacts the printing press had on society at the time it was invented, we were asked to invision what the world specifically our lives would be like if the press had never been invented. Mr Miller then called on everyone in class to describe one of the ways their life would be different. As we went around the room the following question was posed; What is the purpose of highschool? Most of the room responded with to learn or prepare us for jobs. Mr Miller however made an interesting point that has been in ...